Rodriguez, M.A., “mm-ADT: A Virtual Machine/An Economic Machine” (Database Keynote), GraphDay 2020, Austin, Texas, January 2020.
Rodriguez, M.A., “mm-ADT: A Multi-Model Abstract Datatype,” ApacheCon’20, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 2019.
Rodriguez, M.A., “Open Problems in the Universal Graph Theory” (Keynote), GraphDay 2017, San Francisco, California, June 2017.
Rodriguez, M.A., “Gremlin 101.3 On Your FM Dial,” DataStax Support and Engineering Summits, Carmel California and Las Vegas Nevada, May 2017.
Rodriguez, M.A., “Gremlin’s Graph Traversal Machinery,” Cassandra Summit, San Jose, California, September 2016.
Rodriguez, M.A., “Quantum Processes in Graph Computing,” GraphDay, Austin, Texas, January 2016.
Rodriguez, M.A., “The Gremlin Graph Traversal Machine and Language,” Keynote at ACM Database Programming Languages Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 2015.
Rodriguez, M.A., Kuppitz, D., “The Gremlin Graph Traversal Language,” NoSQLNow, San Jose, California, August 2015.
Rodriguez, M.A., “The Path Forward: Titan 1.0 and TinkerPop3,” Comcast Workshop, New Jersey, November 2014.
Rodriguez, M.A., “Miami Graphs,” The Lab Miami All-Day Workshop, Miami Florida, June 2013.
Rodriguez, M.A., “Solving Problems with Graphs,” YOW! Developer Conference, Melbourne/Brisbane/Sydney, Australia, December 2012. (presentation video available) (featured presentation on Slideshare)
Rodriguez, M.A., Broecheler, M., “Titan: The Rise of Big Graph Data,” Palo Alto, California, June 2012.
Rodriguez, M.A., “The Pathology of Graph Database,” WindyCityDB, Chicago, Illinois, June 2011. (presentation video available)
Rodriguez, M.A., “Traversing Graph Databases with Gremlin,” NoSQL New York, New York City, May 2011.
Rodriguez, M.A., “The Path-o-Logical Gremlin,” 2nd International Workshop on Graph Data Management: Techniques and Applications (GDM’11), Hannover, Germany, April 2011.
Rodriguez, M.A., “The Gremlin in the Graph,” Invited Lecture, First University-Industry Meeting on Graph Databases (UIM-GDB), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, February 2011.
Rodriguez, M.A., “Memoirs of a Graph Addict: Despair to Redemption,” Invited Lectures, Winterland Whirlwind Tour, Chicago-USA to Malmo-Sweden, January 2011.
Rodriguez, M.A., “Graph Database: Trends in the Web of Data,” Invited Lecture, 3rd KRDB School on Trends in the Web of Data, Brixen-Bressanone (near Bozen-Bolzano), Italy, September 2010.
Rodriguez, M.A., “Problem-Solving using Graph Traversals: Searching, Scoring, Ranking, and Recommendation,” Technical Talk Seminar, AT&T Interactive, Glendale, California, July 2010. (featured in Rodriguez, M.A., “The Wonderful World of Graphs,” AT&Ti Engineering Blog, July 2010) (featured in Hoff, T., “Hot Scalability Links for July 30, 2010,” High Scalability, July 2010) (40,000+ views on SlideShare)
Rodriguez, M.A., “A Perspective on Graph Theory and Network Science,” Invited Speaker, Santa Fe Public School District, Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 2010.
Rodriguez, M.A., “The Graph Traversal Programming Pattern,” Invited Speaker, WindyCity DB, Chicago, Illinois, June 2010. (presentation video available) (“Hot in Twitter” via SlideShare on June 27th) (featured in Ho, R., “Google Pregel Graph Processing,” Pragmatic Programming Techniques, July 2010) (featured in Stainer, D., “The Graph Traversal Programming Pattern (Part 1) - Graph Structures,” NoSQL Databases, July 2010) (10,000+ views on SlideShare)
Rodriguez, M.A., “The Evolution of the Graph Data Structure from Research to Production,” Panel Moderator and Breakout Session Presenter, NoSQL Live …Boston, Boston, Massachusetts, March 2010. (in session with Peter Neubauer of Neo4j and Borislav Iordanov of HyperGraphDB) (featured in “NoSQL Experts to Discuss Real World Use Cases for Non-Relational Databases”, MarketWire, March 2010) (featured in Toporek, C., “NoSQL Live in Boston,” Editor’s Field Journal, March 2010)
Rodriguez, M.A., “Gremlin: A Graph-Based Programming Language,” Center for Nonlinear Studies Post Doctorate Seminar, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, February 2010. (featured in Stainer, D., “Gremlin: A Graph-Based Programming Language,” NoSQL Databases, August 2010)
Rodriguez, M.A., “An Overview of Data Management Paradigms: Relational, Document, and Graph,” Data Management Workshop, University of New Mexico, February 2010.
Rodriguez, M.A., “Multi-Relational Graph Structures: From Algebra to Application,” Invited Speaker, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, Massachusetts, October 2009. (featured in Ho, R., “NoSQL GraphDB,” Pragmatic Programming Techniques, February 2010)
Rodriguez, M.A., “Linking Open Processors,” Ignite New Mexico, Santa Fe, New Mexico, September 2009. (presentation video available)
Rodriguez, M.A., “General-Purpose, Internet-Scale Distributed Computing with Linked Process,” Center for Nonlinear Studies Post Doctorate Seminar, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, September 2009.
Rodriguez, M.A., “The Future of Graph Databases: From Linking Data to Linking Process,” International and Applied Technology Lecture, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, July 2009.
Rodriguez, M.A., “Distributed Graph Databases and the Emerging Web of Data,” Invited Lecture, University of New Mexico Computer Science Department Colloquium Spring Series, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 2009. (featured in Mercer-Smith, J.A., “Theoretical: Evolution of the World Wide Web to Support the Web of Data,” Principal Associate Director for Science, Technology, and Engineering Highlights, Los Alamos National Laboratory, June 2009)
Rodriguez, M.A., “Graph Databases and the Future of Large-Scale Knowledge Management,” Invited Lecture for Risk Analysis Symposium, Risk Analysis of Complex Systems for National Security Applications, Decision Applications Division and the Center for Nonlinear Studies, Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 2009. (featured in Snodgrass, R., “Rodriguez Among LANL’s Next Generation of Scientists,” Los Alamos Monitor, April 14, 2009) (featured in Hoff, T., “Graph Databases and the Future of Large-Scale Knowledge Management,” High Scalability, June 2009) (featured in Bain, T., “Graph Databases and the Future of Large-Scale Knowledge Management,” Innovations in Data Management, June, 2009)
Rodriguez, M.A., Geldart, J., “An Evidential Path Logic for Multi-Relational Networks,” Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Spring Symposium: Technosocial Predictive Analytics, Stanford, California, March 2009.
Rodriguez, M.A., “Collective Decision Making Systems: From the Ideal State to Human Eudaimonia,” Center for Nonlinear Studies External Advisory Committee Presentation, Los Alamos, New Mexico, February 2009.
Rodriguez, M.A., “Evolving the Web into a Giant Global Database,” Invited Lecture for New Mexico Internet Professionals Association, Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 2009.
Rodriguez, M.A., “Spinning Out Technology from the Los Alamos National Laboratory,” University of New Mexico Computer Science Faculty Mixer, sponsored by the New Mexico Angels, Albuquerque, New Mexico, December 2008.
Rodriguez, M.A., “From the Signal to the Symbol: Structure and Process in Artificial Intelligence,” Center for Nonlinear Studies Post Doctorate Seminar, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, November 2008.
Rodriguez, M.A., Bollen, J., “An Algorithm to Determine Peer-Reviewers,” ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Napa, California, October 2008.
Rodriguez, M.A., Bollen, J., Shinavier, J., Eifrem, E., “Industrial Strength Networks,” Invited Lecture Series for Public Blender, Santa Fe Complex, Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 2008. (lecture summaries available)
Rodriguez, M.A., “A Path Algebra for Mapping Multi-Relational Networks to Single-Relational Networks,” Center for Nonlinear Studies Post Doctorate Seminar, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, June 2008.
Pepe, A., Rodriguez, M.A., “Mining and Supporting Community Structures in Sensor Network Research,” Invited Lecture at University of California at Los Angeles, Center for Embedded Network Sensing Public Lecture, Los Angeles, California, May 2008.
Rodriguez, M.A., “The Network Data Structure in Computing,” High-Performance Computing Challenge, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, April 2008.
Rodriguez, M.A., “Using Semantic Networks to Model the Structure and Process of Systems,” Information and Knowledge Science Capability Review, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, April 2008.
Rodriguez, M.A., “What I Did For My Summer Vacation,” Center for Nonlinear Studies Post Doctorate Seminar, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, March 2008.
Rodriguez, M.A., “Computing with Directed Labeled Graphs,” Center for Nonlinear Studies Public Lecture, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, December 2007.
Rodriguez, M.A., “Models of Computing in Semantic Networks,” University of California at Santa Cruz, Dissertation Defense, Santa Cruz, California, November 2007.
Rodriguez, M.A., Watkins, J.H., Bollen, J., Gershenson, C., “Using RDF to Model the Structure and Process of Systems,” International Conference on Complex Systems, Boston, Massachusetts, October 2007.
Rodriguez, M.A., “The Network: A Data Structure that Links Domains,” University of New Mexico Invited Lecture, Mechanical/Electrical/Computer Engineering Department, Albuquerque, New Mexico, September 2007.
Rodriguez, M.A., Chute, R., “Neno/Fhat: Semantic Network Programming Language and Virtual Machine Specification,” Research Library Public Lecture, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, September 2007.
Rodriguez, M.A., Watkins, J.H., “Distributed Collective Decision Making: From Ballot to Market,” Discovery Workshop: Applying Complexity Science to Organizational Design and Multistakeholder Systems, National Alliance for Physician Competence, Chicago, Illinois, August 2007. (lecture summary available)
Rodriguez, M.A., “Practical Ontology for the Large-Scale Modeling of Scholarly Artifacts and their Usage,” ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Vancouver, Canada, June 2007.
Rodriguez, M.A., “An RDF/RDFS/OWL Tutorial,” Research Library Public Lecture, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, June 2007.
Bollen, J., Rodriguez, M.A., “MESUR: Modeling and Analysis of the Scholarly Community,” Santa Fe Institute for Complexity Invited Lecture, Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 2007.
Rodriguez, M.A., “Social Decision Making with Semantic Networks and Grammar-Based Particle Swarms,” Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS), Waikoloa, Hawaii, IEEE Computer Society, January 2007.
Watkins, J.H., Rodriguez, M.A.,, “Social Networks for Collective Decision Making,” Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS), Waikoloa, Hawaii, IEEE Computer Society, January 2007.
Mackerrow, E., Patelli, P., Irvin, C., Adomi, H., Merritt, T., Oliver, S., Summerhays, D., Rodriguez, M.A., Lindberg B., Castain, K., “Modeling the Socio-Political Dynamics of Islamist Movements,” 26th Annual Center for Nonlinear Studies Conference on Social-Technical Systems: Bridging the Scales, Los Alamos, New Mexico, August 2006.
Rodriguez, M.A., “Multi-Relational Networks to Support the Scholarly Communication Process,” Complex Systems Group, T-13 Invited Speaker, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, June 2006.
Rodriguez, M.A., “A Hyper-Cortical Model of the Scholarly Process,” Center for Evolution Complexity and Cognition (ECCO), Brussels, Belgium, November 2005.
Rodriguez, M.A., “An OAI Repository-Centric Peer-Review Model,” Open Archives Initiative (OAI4) Invited Speaker, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2005.
Rodriguez, M.A., “Social-Networks, Digital-Libraries, and the Peer-Review Process,” Modeling, Algorithms, and Informatics Group, CCS-3 Invited Speaker, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, September 2005.
Rodriguez, M.A., Heylighen, F., Steinbock, D., “Particle-Flow Networks for Individual and Collective Intelligence Systems,” Center for Evolution Complexity and Cognition (ECCO), Brussels, Belgium, April 2005.
Rodriguez, M.A., “A Self-Organizing and Collective-Intelligence approach to the Peer-Review Process,” Center for Evolution Complexity and Cognition (ECCO), Brussels, Belgium, February 2005.
Steinbock, D., Rodriguez, M.A., “Particle-Swarms for an Emergent Democracy,” PlaNetwork Conference, San Francisco, California, June 5-6, 2004.
Rodriguez, M.A., Steinbock, D., “Dynamically Distributed Democracy,” North American Association for Computational Social and Organizational Science Conference (NAACSOS ‘04), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 2004.
Steinbock, D., Rodriguez, M.A., “Self-Modeling Dynamical Systems and Social Networks,” International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS ‘04), Boston,